Short and sweet video with some clips I managed to get from our road trip down to Bombo Quarry in New South Wales. This was a location scout for a music video Alex was going to be shooting and directing, it's out now and it's called SILO - give it a watch!
I took just one roll of Kodak Portra 400 so not too many shots to look through but super happy/relieved with how these came out. Just wanted to try out an idea I’ve seen on instagram that I love - I mean, can you call yourself a film photographer if you haven’t taken portraits using a white backdrop out in nature? Haha but seriously, it looks cool so it was worth a try. I will be doing this again in the future!
The location really transforms once the sun sets behind the cliffs. The colours of the rocks change and the tide rises. It's a beautiful spot and it has an amazing energy to it.
Rolleicord Vb
Settings: f/3.5 1/60
Kodak Portra 400 @ 100